Animal Production services
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Dairy Herd Improvement in South Africa – Agricultural Research Council: Animal Improvement Institute (ARC:AII). E-mail:
Dairy mail – Milk Producers Organisation in South Africa (MPOSA). E-mail:
Dairy mail Africa – MPOSA. E-mail:
S A Livestock Breeding 2004 – South Africa Studbook and Livestock Improvement Association (S A Studbook). Website:
S A Stud Breeder – S A Studbook, Website:
Ubisimail – MPOSA, E-mail:
Farmers Weekly a nationally distributed magazine publishing
Lanbou Weekblaad a nationally distributed magazine publishing
Nafu News. A magazine produced by the National African Farmers Union
Pluimvee/poultry: A monthly magazine produced and distributed by SAPA
Wezolimo: A news letter produces by the Department of Agriculture
Agri News: Monthly magazine distributed by Department of Agriculture
Go Farming: Monthly magazine distributed by Go Farmng