Project Implementation and Support
About Us | Strategic Plan | Meetings | Land Administration | Project Implementation and Support | Policy and Project Planning | Producer Support and Development
Aim: To coordinate and facilitate the development and implementation of land and agrarian reform projects through support programs of the Department of Agriculture and promote viable and sustainable agriculture for improved Livelihoods.
1. Coordinate agricultural support aimed at land reform beneficiaries
2. Assist and guide the implementation of Land reform programs and CASP in the provinces.
- Participate in provincial forums such as District Screening Committees(DSC) and Provincial Grant Approval Committees (PGAC)
- Assist in identification of potential viable and sustainable projects
- Assesses business plans and recommend for approval of grants
3. Monitor and evaluate CASP funded projects
- Report on status and progress of land reform projects and CASP funded projects against approved business plans
- Keeping track of information and activities related to the development and support rendered to projects.
4. Develop and maintain a database for CASP funded projects and land reform projects
Project visits and collection of data on a regular basis
5. Establish and maintain coordination with relevant stakeholders
- Coordinate and align programs and activities of institutions responsible for post settlement
- Liaise with relevant stake holders for the benefit of land reform beneficiaries.
Enquiries: 012 319 8230