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Plant Health Diagnostic Services
Plant Health Diagnostic Services
In order to prevent the introduction of exotic pests of quarantine importance to South Africa the Division: Plant Health Diagnostic Services of the Directorate Plant Health, provides a professional diagnostic services to detect identified harmful plant pathogens ( nematodes,insect, mites,viruses, virus-like diseases bacteria, fungi and phytoplasmas) on imported plant propagating material and plant products in terms of the Agricultural Pest Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983).
Furthermore, the unit also provides a diagnostic service for plant material and plant products being exported, those of national importance in respect of control measures and plant certification schemes by the application of existing diagnostic techniques, procedures and advanced facilities.
To contact us:
Mr. Nolan Africander
Division: Plant Health Diagnostic
Private Bag X5015
Phone: +27 21 8091621
The Entomology section renders a diagnostic service for insect and mites found on imported and exported plant material.
We inspect all imported propagation material microscopically to guard our country against foreign insect and mite pests and identify insects for different export programmes.
Insects are identified by using morphological characteristics and molecular techniques.
We are involved in a DNA barcoding project for the identification of mealybugs and scales.
To contact us:
Mr. Nolan Africander
Division: Plant Health Diagnostic Services
Private Bag X5015
Phone: +27 21 8091621
Pseudococcus longispinus
Inspection of imported fruit
Nematodes (also called eelworms or roundworms) are the most abundant multicellular animals on earth. They belong in the Phylum Nematoda of the kingdom Animalia. Different species of plant-parasitic nematodes can inhabit and infect most living parts of plants, including flower buds, stems, leaves, and roots.
The Nematology section is involved in the detection and identification of plant-parasitic nematodes of quarantine importance. Extractions are performed on imported plant material and commodities intended for export. We are also involved in the optimization of DNA based methods for the identification of nematodes.
To contact us:
Mr. Nolan Africander
Division: Plant Health Diagnostic Services
Private Bag X5015
Phone: +27 21 8091621
The plant pathology section's main function is the detection of plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi of quarantine importance.
Currently conventional methods are employed for detection of bacteria and the BIOLOG system is used for the identification of bacteria.
Conventional detection methods are also employed for fungi and identification is done by using taxonomic keys. Molecular techniques are currently under investigations for bacterial and fungal identification.
To contact us:
Mr. Nolan Africander
Division: Plant Health Diagnostic Services
Private Bag X5015
Phone: +27 21 8091621
Hypersensitivity test
Fungal culture
In the Virology / Phytoplasmology section all imported plant material are tested for the presence of foreign viruses, viroids and phytoplasmas.
Diagnostic methods employed include the E nzyme- L inked I mmunosorbent A ssay (ELISA), biological indexing (herbaceous and woody indicators) and Reverse Transcription – Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).
Tissue extracts are examined in an electron microscope for the presence of virus-like particles as needed.
PCR assays are used for phytoplasma detection.
To contact us:
Mr. Nolan Africander
Division: Plant Health Diagnostic Services
Private Bag X5015
Phone: +27 21 8091621
EM image of TMV
Viral symptoms on apples
NPPCP of SA | Importing into SA | Exporting from SA | Legislation & Regulations | Travel Guidelines | Diagnostic Services | Early Warning Systems | Wood Packaging | Plant Health Promotions | Policies | Movement Control | Latest News Notices Meetings Minutes | Documents for comments
Travel Guidelines
- Are you travelling to SA
- Travellers' guide video
- Traveller's Guide_flyer French November 2012
- Declared Poster French
Travellers' Guide Flyer
WARNING! Declare
WARNING! Don't bag a bug!
National Anthem - lyrics and translation
About Us | Animal Improvement | Small Stock | Livestock Production | Veld,Forage and Wildlife Ranching Division | Services | Links
Publication | Info packs | Legislation
- Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act 62 of 1998)
- Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act 119 of 1990)
- Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act 35 of 1984) to be repealed by the Animal Health Act, 2002 (Act 7 of 2002)
- Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act 6 of 2002)
- Animals Protection Act, 1962 (Act 71 of 1962)
- Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No 10 of 2004)
- Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (CARA), 1983 (Act No 43 of1983)
- Fencing Act, 1963 (Act no 31 of 1963)
- Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, 1996, as amended by Act 59 of 1997 and Act 34 of 2001
- Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act 40 of 2000)
- National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), 1998 (Act 107 of 1998)
- National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 (Act 101 0f 1998)
- NSPCA’s Act, 1993 (Act 197 of 1993)
- Performing Animals Protection Act, 1935 (Act 24 of 1935)
- South African Abattoir Corporation Act, 1992 (Act 120 of 1992)
- Stock Theft Act, 1959 (Act No. 57 0f 1959
- The Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act, 1970 (Act 70 of 1970)
- Veterinary and Para-veterinary Professions Act, 1982 (Act 19 of 1982)
About Us | Animal Improvement | Small Stock | Livestock Production | Veld,Forage and Wildlife Ranching Division | Services | Links
Publication | Info packs | Legislation
- Animal Health
- Anthrax:
- Bees:
- Brucellosis:
How to identify and treat this disease.
- Congo fever:
Congo fever is transmitted by the bontlegged tick. Symptoms and protection against the disease.
- Johne's disease:
- Lungsickness (CBPP)
- Lungsickness (CBPP)
A more advanced guide to the disease.
- Mastitis:
Mastitis can lower milk production.
- Mastitis:
Mastitis kan melkproduksie baie benadeel (Afrikaans).
- Parasitic cysts and lesions in organs:
Parasitic cysts in meat can cause diseases in people.
- Rabies - a killer disease:
Rabies affects all warm-blooded animals, as well as man.
- Rabies - the law:
Vaccinating your pets. What the law requires.
- Tapeworm:
Beef tapeworm also infects humans. Prevent contamination.
- Tapeworm:
Beesvleislintwurms en masels (Afrikaans).
- Tick-borne diseases:
Diseases spread by ticks such as heartwater, redwater and gallsickness.
- Beef Cattle
- Guidelines
- Castration:
- Dehorning:
- Legal identification marks:
- Weaning of calves:
- Manuals
- Establishing and managing small herd of beef cattle
- Guidelines for animal traction
- Weaning of calves
- Guidelines for urban and peri urban
- Guidelines for planning and construction of a feedlot
- Beef cattle management
- Food safety
- Safe meat:
Buy meat from a butchery, supermarket or spaza shop.
- Goats
- Information
- Cashmere :
- Goats:
- Vaccination programme:
Goats are susceptable to a number of diseases. A good vaccination programme can keep them healthy.
- Manuals:
- - Status of the South African Goat Industry
- Livestock
- - Milk Goat Model
- Exports:
All the procedures to be followed when you want to export fresh meat from South Africa.
- Health:
- Imports:
- Slaughterings:
Slaughterings and consumer confidence.
- Terminology:
Explaining some technical terms in the Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act No. 62 of 1998). Livestock Development Strategy
- Pigs
- Information
- Boer met varke:
- Farming with pigs:
- Health:
How to know if your pigs are healthy.
- Manuals:
- -
Keeping pigs safe in swine fever
- -
Management programme for small farm piggery
- Poultry
- Information
- Muscovy ducks:
Muscovy ducks have a number of advantages over other poultry.
- Newcastle disease:
Newcastle disease is a serious disease that poses a constant threat to poultry in Southern Africa.
- Manuals:
- Rabbits
- - Household broiler production
- Information
- Keeping rabbits:
Farming with rabbits is becoming increasingly popular.
- Manuals:
- Sheep
- - Household Rabbit Production
- Breeding:
- Dipping:
- Aquaculture
- Manuals:
- - Database of fish farms within the provinces outlining threats and opportunities
- - Aquaculture 2006
Info packs available at the ARC
- Manuals and Books available per order from the ARC www.arc.agric.za
- Beef Cattle Manual
- Beef Production Manual
- Dairy Cattle Manual
- Dairy Herd Improvement in South Africa
- Diseases of Ostriches and other Ratites
- Heating of Broilers & Broiler Housing
- Introduction to Poultry Production
- Manual on Housing for Pigs
- Mastitis by koeie
- Mutton
- Ostrich Diseases
- Pig Production in South Africa
- Small-scale broiler house
- Small-scale milking shed
- Small-scale poultry housing in South Africa
About Us | Animal Improvement | Small Stock | Livestock Production | Veld,Forage and Wildlife Ranching Division | Services | Links
- South African Journal of Wildlife Research http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_wild.html
- African Journal of Range and Forage Science http://www.nisc.co.za/Journal
- South African Journal of Animal Science http://www.inasp.info/ajol/journals/sajas/about.html
- Small Ruminant Research www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09214488
- SASAS - South African Society for Animal Science www.sasas.co.za
Other Organizations and Institutions
- The Livestock Production Programme (LPP) – DFID www.lpp.uk.com/aboutlpp/default.asp?step=4&pid=4
- International Goat Association www.iga-goatworld.org
- Grootfontein Development Institute (GADI) gadi.agric.za
- Heifer SA ww.heifer.org.za
- FARM-Africa www.farmafrica.org.uk
- Milk SA www.milksa.co.za
- Milk Producers Organisation of South Africa (MPOSA) www.mpo.co.za
- South African Milk Processors (SAMPRO)
- Dairy Standard Agency www.dairystandard.co.za
- Intervet MPO Institute for Dairy Technology
- Agricultural Research Council www.arc.agric.za
- Integrated Registration and Genetic Information System (INTERGIS) www.studbook.co.za
- Institute for Animal Production – Department of Agriculture – Western Cape www.elsenburg.com
- University of Pretoria: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science www.up.ac.za
- University of the Free State: Dept of Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Science www.uovs.ac.za
- National Marketing Council www.namc.co.za