About Us | Animal Improvement | Small Stock | Livestock Production | Veld,Forage and Wildlife Ranching Division | Services | Links
About Us
Animal Production facilitates improvements in agricultural productivity, with the emphasis on sustainable animal production systems and administers the Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act. No. 62 of 1998). In line with the objective of promoting sustainable agricultural production, several policies and strategies were developed. These include policies on animal improvement, game farming, range and forage, and all these policies are aligned to the Livestock Development Strategy (LDS).
The aim of the policies and the strategy is to make sure that the livestock industry performs at its optimum capacity, with emphasis on providing support to emerging black farmers to be able to participate in the mainstream activities (e.g. marketing, value-add etc.), through introduction of programmes such as the Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo (Cattle Improvement), Milk Recording, and Livestock and Poultry support within rural development nodes. Other key programmes include the Goat Productivity Improvement and the Development of Feedlot/Grasslot facilities within the rural development nodes, which links to the AsgiSA (Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa).
To provide leadership and support for the livestock, game farming and wildlife ranching industries in South Africa, to ensure food security, economic development and global competitive.
- To develop and promulgate policy, norms and standards to support livestock production, Game Farming and wildlife Ranching.
- To develop, promote and implement national policy, norms and standards to support sustainable animal production and game farming systems
- Develop coordinate and support programs and schemes that support sustainable animal production and game farming.
- Ensure the regulation and promotion of sustainable animal production, and game farming practices
- Ensure effective monitoring, evaluation and [impact] assessment of animal production, and game farming systems and trends;
- Provide management support services with regard to financial, human resources and asset management as well as logistics
Contact Us
Directorate: Animal Production
Physical and Postal Addresses
Department of Agriculture
Private Bag X138
Delpen Building
c/o Union and Annie Botha Street
Riviera Suburb
Mr. Joel Mamabolo
Tel: + 27 (12) 319 7597
Fax: + 27 (12) 319 7425
PA: Animal Production
Tel: + 27 (12) 319 7493
Fax: + 27 (12) 319 7425 / 7570
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Purpose: To promote, regulate and co-ordinate the sustainable use of land and soil
1. Manage and co-ordinate land administration, servitudes, releases and 3rd party matters
2. Promote effective management of land and soil resources
3. Set norms and standards and ensure compliance with the CARA, related policy frameworks and rehabilitation programmes
4. Maintain and provide an information system on the status of land and soil resources
Contact us
About Us | Policies and Programmes | Plant Improvement Act | Seed Testing Services | Services | Varietal Listing | Registration of Premises | Import of Unlisted Varieties | Proteaceae Cultivar Registration | Hemp (Low THC Cannabis) Regulatory System | Brochures and Production Guidelines
About Us
Directorate Mandate:
To provide national leadership and support to plant production sector in South Africa that will enable it to play a meaningful role in ensuring food security, economic development, and poverty alleviation. This is done through the development, promotion and co-ordination of the appropriate regulatory frameworks and practices.
Directorate Vision:
A united, prosperous and sustainable plant production sector.
Directorate Mission:
Effectively develop, implement and monitor national legislation that will increase productivity, profitability, and competitiveness of the plant production sector through :
• Developing, promulgating and promoting national policies to support sustainable plant quality and production.
• Developing and promoting implementation programmes to improve crop production through capacity development.
• Ensuring effective regulation and monitoring of compliance to National regulatory and policy frameworks.
• Assessing the impact of plant production systems/programmes.
• Rendering advisory services on crop production matters.
The Directorate administers the following Act on behalf of the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:
• The Plant Improvement Act. 1976 (Act No.53 of 1976)
Directorate Values:
- Team work: Maximum participation, respect and co-operation
- Integrity: Display high levels of work ethic
- Commitment: Taking ownership and accountability for decisions and actions that need to be taken
- Service Excellence: Efficient and effective delivery of knowledge and information to key stakeholders
- Transparency: Continuously interact with all stakeholder in a courteous and open manner
About Us | Strategic Plan | Meetings | Land Administration | Project Implementation and Support | Policy and Project Planning | Producer Support and Development
Individuals or groups with the intention to or already engaged in agricultural activities but lacking resources to grow are advised to visit or contact their nearest (to the project/ farm) Regional or Provincial Department of Agriculture for further information and assistance. Provincial Departments of Agriculture are responsible for implementing DALRRD support programmes geared towards farmer development