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Veterinary Procedural Notices
VPN 44- Template (Poultry facilties).
000 - VPN 00 Compilation of definitions applicable to the various VPN's
001-VPN 01 Procedures for registration and deregistration of approved meat export establishments (2019-04-29)
002 - VPN 02(a) Standard for the registration of sheep farms for export status (2008-01-22)
002 - VPN 02(b) Standard for the registration of cattle farms for export status (2008-01-22)
016 - VPN 16 Standard for the microbiological monitoring of water (2015)
017 - VPN 17 Principles of Certification (2008-01-22)
018-VPN 18 Law enforcement at export approved establishments (2019-04-29)
019 - VPN 19 Standard relating to the National Export Residue Control Programme (2016-04-14)
022 - VPN 22 Standards for the registration of an quarantine facility for reptiles (not updated)
023 - VPN 23 Standards for the registration of veterinary approved tannery (not updated)
024 - VPN 24 Standards for the registration of a veterinary approved Taxidermy (2009-04-21)
025 - VPN 25 Export of raw hides and skins from South Africa (2007-03-2007)
027 - VPN 27 Standards for the registration of a veterinary approved dipping station (not updated)
VPN 29 2013-01. Standard for the inspection of poultry farms for import quarantine of poultry
033 - VPN 33 Control measures to be taken when European Union approved meat are imported in South Africa with a view to process and export it to the European Union market (2010-08-26)
044 - VPN 44 Standard for the inspection of poultry farms for export (2012-07-30)
056-VPN 56 - Requirements for food safety testing laboratories (2019-01-23)
Standard of Procedures
SOP for approval of feed mills for EU export (28/08/2007)