Food Safety
About Us | Draft Legislation for Comments | Food Safety | Procedures and forms | Liquor Products | Export Regulations and Standards | Food Business Operator Code |Local & Import Regulations |Residue Analysis | International Standards Organizations |Residue Analysis |Tariffs|Industry links |Maximum Residue Limits(MRL's) |National Analytical Services |Marking requirements |Settled Court Cases |Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Bill |Geographical Indications (GI’s) |Contacts and Structure
Standards regarding Food Hygiene and Food Safety of regulated Agricultural Food Products of Plant origin intended for export
5. Basic Hygiene Training Guideline
6. Draft Hazard Plans
Citrus Industry
Topfruit Industry (Apples and Pears)
Vegetable Packing
Papaya Packing
Mango packing
Litchi packing
7. Enquiries
Please contact
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