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The Small Stock field as in AP context encompasses three species i.e. sheep, goats, and rabbits. These species have been farmed with from time immemorial with numerous breeds developed through rigorous breeding and selection programmes to improve productions inevitably bettering profitability of operations thereof.
In this age these species are a target towards food security and income generation initiatives as they are easy to keep and manage particularly by women and children within poor communities.
Breeds Gallery
The SA Animal Improvement Act lists registered sheep breeds found in the country. The indigenous breeds are described in the Field guide of SA Farm Animal Genetic Resource which is being updated by the ARC.
Africana | Istrian | Ille de france |
Afrino | Karakul | Persian |
Damara | Leicester | Romanov |
D ormer | Lincolin | South down |
Dorper | Meatmaster | Suffolk |
Dorset | Merino | Van rooy |
Friesian | Nguni | White dorper |
Hampshire | Pedi |
HealthInternal Parasites Over the years have been a problem in small stock, sheep in particular. Prof. Gareth Bath and his team developed a strategy for a full worm control called FAMACHA. This strategy is a simple way to decide which sheep needs treatment as this aid the reduction of the amount of treatment to be used thereby slowing the development of worm resistance to remedies (Files: USING THE FAMACHA, FAMACHA1, FAMACHA2 )
Production and Supplementation
A survey of Karakul sheep farmers in Southern Kalahari, Botswana: management practices and constraints to improving production.
The carry-over effect of supplementation in the previous year on the production of South African Mutton Merino ewes
The effect of frequency of supplementation on the production of South African Mutton Merino ewes grazing wheat stubble
Goats, prior to the SA Democracy, have been overshadowed by sheep. They were often included in statistics figures for sheep. The humble goat offers a wide range of benefits to its keeper as its milk and meat provides nutritional advantages over that of cattle. The goat also yields other products such as skins, cashmere and wool which are further processed to trendy products.
The value of goats is so vast particularly for remote and poor communities as it would address issues of food security and small scale production which given proper management and marketing will inevitably provide income to better the poor families’ livelihoods. This species is easy to be managed and handled by women and children. The National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) investigated the potential for the South African Goat Industry
Breeds Gallery
The SA Animal Improvement Act indexes registered goat breeds. However there are many breeds of goats all over the world. The S A indigenous breeds such as the famous Boer goat, Savannah, Kalahari Red are world renowned and most sought after for their superior characteristics such as adaptability, hardiness, good maternal instincts, meat production, high reproduction rate and etc.
Alpine | Saneen |
Angora | Toggenburg |
Boer Goat | Kalahari red |
Gono altai |
Conference Proceedings
Reviewed popular scientific papers of the 8th International Conference on Goats
- Preliminary assessment of Boer and Kiko does as maternal lines for kid performance under humid, subtropical conditions
- Polymorphism of the as1-casein, ?-casein and ß-lactoglobulin genes in the Hungarian Milk Goat
- Genetic assay of Caprine arthritis encephalitis in the Hungarian goat herd
- Genetic variation of three commercial and three indigenous goat populations in South Africa
- Genetic characterization of the Blanca Andaluza goat based on microsatellite markers
Dairy Goats
- Dairy Goat Production Handbook
- Milk Production from the Indigenous Malawi Milk Goat
- Manufacturing and Marketing of Goat’s Milk - Kefir
- Milk Production from the Indigenous Malawi goats
- Milk Hygiene
- Effect of supplementary feeding with maize bran on the milking potential of the Malawi Indigenous goat
- Factors influencing milk quantity and quality in Assaf sheep and goat crossbreds
- Milk Production From Goats For Households And Small-Scale Farmers In South Africa
Dairy Goats
- The Productivity of Tethered Goats in Tanzania
- Biological factors influencing the nature of Skins and Leather
- The air drying of hides and skins in the arid and humid tropics
- Sheep and goat health management study - Tanzania
- Study on the impact and control of disease of tethered goats in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
- Prediction of Carcass Composition of the Indigenous Malawi Goat
- Tethered goats less work
- Appropriate livestock extension
- Body weight and preweaning growth rate of pure indigenous, Toggenburg goat breeds and their crosses under smallholder production systems in Kenya
- Sustainable genetic improvement of goat meat and milk production in Kenya: A case of the Meru and Tharaka-Nithi Dairy and Animal Healthcare community-based Breeding Programme.
- Growth rate of pure indigenous breeds, Toggenburg and their crosses
- Critical Linkages: Livelihoods Markets and Institutions
- Livelihoods and rural poverty
- Pro-poor livelihoods: addressing market/private sector gap
- Women and improved livestock production
- Planning and evaluation with Landless people
- Browsing height selection of small stock
- Carbohydrate supplementation
- Comparison of textural properties of low-fat chevon, beef, pork, and mixed-meat sausages
- Requirements of meat and milk goats
- Feed intake and growth of Saanen kids
- CLA supplementation on milk yield and composition in Saanen goats
- Effect of dietary protein degradability on production
- Characteristics of lactating Saanen does
- Goat Meat In Human Nutrition
- Factors Affecting The Profitability Of Different Goat Farm Sizes In Hungary
- A Review Of The Current Status Of Goat Research And Development In South Africa
- Production and reproduction characteristics of South African indigenous goats in communal farming systems
- Effect of sex, age, and pre-slaughter conditioning on pH, temperature, tenderness and colour of indigenous South African goats
- Post-mortem metabolic status, pH and temperature of chevon from indigenous South African goats slaughtered under commercial conditions
- A comparison of the OFDA2000 with conventional mid-side testing of mohair
- The origin and description of southern Africa’s indigenous goats
- Seasonal variation in semen quality of Gorno Altai cashmere goats and South African indigenous goats
- Exposure assessment of potentially toxic trace elements in indigenous goats in the rural communal production systems of the northern region of South Africa
- The Influence Of Age And Reproductive Status On Quality And Quantity Of Cashmere Produced By Boer Goats Under South African Conditions
- Participatory Approaches To Livestock Production
- Foraging Strategies Of Sheep And Goats Under Semi-Intensive Management In Botswana
- Optimizing Livestock Production
- Goat Production In The Smallholder Section In The Boane District In Southern Mozambique
- Quality Attributes Of Commercial Cashmere
- Research And Training Strategies For Goat Production Systems In South Africa
- Factors Influencing Weaning Percentages Of Indigenous Goats On Communal Grazing
- Production of livestock products
- The potential utilization of South African indigenous goats for cashmere production
- Goats: vaccination programme
- Diseases and mortality of kids and adult goats in a South African milk goat herd
NAMC Report On The Investigation Into The Potential For The South African Goat. The survey investigated the potential for the South African goat industry. South Africa is a relative small goat producing country and possesses only approximately 3% of Africa’s goats and less than 1% of the world’s number of goats. Approximately 96% of the world’s goat numbers are in the hands of developing countries, but when traded, goat products are mainly consumed in developed countries due to its superior health qualities.
This study focused on the so-called Indigenous goat, the Boer goat and the Angora goat, but special attention was given to Indigenous goats, which are mainly in the hands of black farmers. White commercial farmers mainly own Boer and Angora goats while black farmers mainly own Indigenous goats in a communal farming system.
The biggest advantage of the Indigenous goat is its resistance to diseases and its adaptability in unfavourable grazing circumstances. Because of their small size, adaptive feeding behaviour and low management, goats are a viable option in improving the household cash flow of rural people and resolve the issue of food security. Apart from cash income, goats could also be a valuable source of milk and meat for rural poor people. Goats can be kept on one acre of land or even less.NAMC
Commercialization of goats in South Africa The Kgalagadi Dipudi Enterprise (KDE) is one of the priority programmes implemented within the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme (ISRDP) launched by President Mbeki in February 2001. This is an enterprise of 600 farmers in the ISRDP nodal area of Kalahari-Kgalagadi District. The aim is to reduce poverty through job creation and economic growth. To ensure the success of this project, the Department of Agriculture has started to provide support to this project, primarily to empower KDE to improve upon business, marketing and production skills among its members. DoA has agreed to utilize research expertise through the Agricultural Research Council to:
- Increase the number of animals and improvements in their performance by 10 % per year;
- Increase income for the KDE by 20%;
- Develop and implement a live goat marketing strategy;
- Establish business linkages between KDE and black customers in SA
- Introduce a goat performance recording system;
- Examine and possibly introduce technologies for cashmere harvesting and processing within KDE;
- Examine and possibly introduce goat milk harvesting and processing technologies in KDE for marketing in Gauteng.
- Examine/establish abattoir for goats within KDE
- Estimated cost of project in 2005/06 is R1 million.
- Once successful within 18 months, the project must be expanded to include other districts along the N14 corridor.
Farming with rabbits is becoming popular because as the production requirements are extremely cost effective; easy to produce at small scale therefore this enterprise is ideal for backyard production, food security and income generation. The directorate is developing a Household Rabbit Production Manual
About Us | Animal Improvement | Small Stock | Livestock Production | Veld,Forage and Wildlife Ranching Division | Services | Links
The Sub-Directorate administers the Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act No. 62 of 1998), and the Regulatory services for animal production, applications for livestock related.
- Import and export authorizations
- Registration of inseminators, semen collectors, embryo collectors and transferors
- Registration of donor animals and collection centers
- Registration of import and export agents
- Evaluation and recognition of new breeds
- Registration of registering authorities
Applications for Importing and/or Exporting Animals for Certain Purposes such as Shows, Applications for imports such as Animals And Genetic Material, commercial use, poultry eggs etc.
- Application for import/export animals for certain purpose (shows)
- Application for the Importation of animals and genetic material
- Application for the Importation of poultry/eggs
Registration and Renewals
Applications for registration as Breed Society or Registering Authority etc.
Forms and Procedures
- Application for Registration as a Breed Society or Registering Authority
- Application for the Registration as a Import Agent for Animal Genetic Material in terms of Section 8(6)A of the animal Improvement Act 1998 (Act No. 62 of 1998)
- Application for Registration as Reproduction-Operator
- Application for Renewal of the Approval for an Animal for the Collection of Semen [Section 9(2)(A)]
- Application for Renewal of the Registration of a Centre for the Collection of Genetic Material [Animal Improvement Act, 1998 (Act No. 62 of 1998)]
- Application for Renewal as Reproduction-Operator
- Application Registration of Premises as Centre
Artificial Insemination (AI)
Applications for use of Boars, Bulls and Stallions for semen collection to be used for AI
Forms and Procedures
- Application for Approval for a Boar for Artificial Insemination
- Application for Approval of a Bull for Collection of Semen
- Application for Approval for a Stallion for Artificial Insemination
Applications for exporting live animals, embryo's, Ova, semen and ostrich/ eggs
Forms and Procedures
About Us | NPPCP of SA | Importing into SA| Exporting from SA | Legislation & Regulations | Travel Guidelines | Diagnostic Services | Early Warning Systems | Wood Packaging | Plant Health Promotions | Policies | Movement Control | Latest News Notices Meetings Minutes | Documents for comments
- R1058 of 27 October 2006
- R306 of 15 March 2002
- R830 of 21 June 2002
- R57 of 8 January 1999
- R2252 of 26 November 1993
- R1013 of 26 May 1989
About Us | NPPCP of SA | Importing into SA| Exporting from SA | Legislation & Regulations | Travel Guidelines | Diagnostic Services | Early Warning Systems | Wood Packaging | Plant Health Promotions | Policies | Movement Control | Latest News Notices Meetings Minutes | Documents for comments
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Cucurbita spp. from Namibia to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Lycopersicon spp. from Namibia to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Malus spp from Portugal to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Mango from Namibia to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for mango from Spain to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Musa spp. from Mozambique to South Africa
- Phytosanitary Import requirements for Papaya (Carica Papaya) Fresh Fruit from Kingdom of Eswatini to South Africa
- Phytosanitary Import requirements for Vaccinium spp. from Zambia to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements of stone fruit from Zimbabwe to South Africa
- Phytosanitary Import Requirements for Citrus spp. fresh fruit from Botswana to South Africa
- Importation of Vitis spp from Spain into South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirement for pineapple (Ananas comosus) fresh fruit from Kenya to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements fo Pineapples from Angola to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Capsicum spp. from Namibia to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Citrullus spp from Namibia to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Citrus spp. from Morocco to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Cucumis spp. from Namibia to South Africa
- List of Registered facilities that have been inspected and approved by the NPPO of Zimbabwe for the export of stone fruit to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for the importation of Persea spp. (Avocado) fresh fruit from the Kingdom of Eswatini to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Mango from Egypt to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for Mango fruit from Mozambique to South Africa
- Phytosanitary Import Requirements for mango fruit from Peru into SA
- Final Phytosanitary workplan for the importation of Persea spp. (Hass, Pinkerton and Fuerte varieties of avocado) fresh fruit from Tanzania to South Africa
- Name of document: Import Protocol for Import of Mango Fresh Fruit from India into South Africa
- Import Protocol for Citrus Propagation Material
- Phytosanitary work plan for the importation of Persea spp. (Hass, Pinkerton and Fuerte varieties of avocado) fresh fruit from Kenya to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Fresh Mango from Brazil to South Africa
- protocol for import of Chinese dates into South Africa
- List of approved facilities to import Apples and Pears from China to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Apples from China to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Apples from Netherlands to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Litchi from Mozambique to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Litchi Madagascar to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Papaya from Mozambique to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Pears from China to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Stone Fruit Spain to South Africa
- Phytosanitary import requirements for importation of Apples from USA, PNW to South Africa
About Us | Policies and Programmes | Plant Improvement Act | Seed Testing Services | Services | Varietal Listing | Registration of Premises | Import of Unlisted Varieties | Proteaceae Cultivar Registration | Hemp (Low THC Cannabis) Regulatory System | Brochures and Production Guidelines
- HP-GD-001 Guidelines for Hemp
- HP-GD-002 Hemp Perrmit Conditions
- HP-GD-003 Hemp Permit Conditions for Breeding Research
- HP-GD-004 Hemp Permit Conditions for Sale of Material
- HP-GD-005 Hemp Permit Conditions for Cultivation
- HP-GD-006 Hemp Permit Conditions for Cleaning
- HP-GD-007 Hemp Permit Conditions for Export
Application Forms
- HP-Form-001 Application Form for Hemp Permit
- HP-Form-003 Application Form for Import of Hemp Varieties
- HP-Form-005 Application Authorisation for Locally Bred Unlisted Hemp Varieties
- HP-Form-006 Transport Declaration for Hemp
- HP-Form-007 Notification of Planting of Hemp.