Provincial Office: Limpopo
Purpose: To monitor, direct and manage the implementation of departmental services on Provincial and District level
- Deliver and coordinate provincial cooperatives and enterprise development programmes
- Deliver and coordinate provincial rural infrastructure development programmes
- Coordinate the provision of land acquisition services
- Coordinate land development support
- Provide youth and skills development services that contribute to economic upliftment
- Provide property management services
- Coordinate implementation of land tenure and land rights programmes .
- Provide spatial planning and land use management services at Provincial level
- Manage the implementation of departmental projects at a district level
- Render corporate support services, including support to the Chief Directorate: Land Restitution Support
- Render financial, supply chain and transport support services, including support to the Chief Directorate: Land Restitution Support
Contact details:
Mr Avhashoni Nicholas Magada
082 465 7848/ 015 230 5040
Liaise and interact with relevant stakeholders in the Province
Provincial Office: North West
Purpose: To monitor, direct and manage the implementation of departmental services on Provincial and District level
- Deliver and coordinate provincial cooperatives and enterprise development programmes
- Deliver and coordinate provincial rural infrastructure development programmes
- Coordinate the provision of land acquisition services
- Coordinate land development support
- Provide youth and skills development services that contribute to economic upliftment
- Provide property management services
- Coordinate implementation of land tenure and land rights programmes.
- Provide spatial planning and land use management services at Provincial level
- Manage the implementation of departmental projects at a district level
- Render corporate support services, including support to the Chief Directorate: Land Restitution Support
- Render financial, supply chain and transport support services, including support to the Chief Directorate: Land Restitution Support
Contact details:
Mr Lesolobe Moaisi
083 575 5846/ 018 388 7075
Mr Frank Lesenyego
071 855 7881/ 081 388 7094
Liaise and interact with relevant stakeholders in the Province.
Provincial Office: Gauteng
Purpose: To monitor, direct and manage the implementation of departmental services on Provincial and District level
- Deliver and coordinate provincial cooperatives and enterprise development programmes
- Deliver and coordinate provincial rural infrastructure development programmes
- Coordinate the provision of land acquisition services
- Coordinate land development support
- Provide youth and skills development services that contribute to economic upliftment
- Provide property management services
- Coordinate implementation of land tenure and land rights programmes .
- Provide spatial planning and land use management services at Provincial level
- Manage the implementation of departmental projects at a district level
- Render corporate support services, including support to the Chief Directorate: Land Restitution Support
- Render financial, supply chain and transport support services, including support to the Chief Directorate: Land Restitution Support
Contact details:
Mr Themba Hleko
083 400 4768/ 012 337 3644
Liaise and interact with relevant stakeholders in the Province
"Equitable access to land, integrated rural development, sustainable agriculture and food security for all"
International Attachés
Vacant |
Ms. M.M. Olifant Agricultural Attaché : Paris (Level 13) 59 Quai d’Orsay, 75343 Paris Cedex 07, PARIS FRANCE 00 33 1 53 59 23 23 Fax: 00 33 1 45 50 31 89 Cell: 00 33 6 46875264
Vacant |
Vacant Agricultural Attaché : India SA High Commission, Vasant Vihar, NEW DELHI, 110 057, INDIA 00 91 11 2 614 9411
Mr S.G. Kelembe |
Vacant Agricultural Attaché : Russia SA Embassy, 123001, Granatny Per. 1, bldg. 9 Moscow 007 495 926 1177, Ext 222 Fax: 007 495 926 1178
Vacant |
Ms. T.S. Chipeta Agricultural Attaché : Addis Ababa Embassy of the Republic of South Africa P.O. Box 1091 ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA Cisco Ext: 21018 00 251 1 371 1002/ 1017 Fax: 00 251 1 371 3035
Ms N.Z.G. Vutula |
Dr. B.R. Ntshabele |
List of DALRRD abbreviations/acronyms
AAMP Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan
AfCFTA Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement
APHFSNRDM Agriculture Production Health and Food Safety Natural Resource and Disaster Management
APP Annual Performance Plan
AU African Union
BEE Black Economic Empowerment
CA Conservation Agriculture
CBP Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia
CCS Community Compulsory Services
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease-19
CPA Communal Property Association
CRLR Commission on the Restitution of Land Rights
DAFF Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
DALRRD Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
DOA Delegations of Authority
DPME Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration DRDLR Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
DTT Departmental Task Team
EC Eastern Cape Province
E-Cert Electronic Certificate
EDRS Electronic Deeds Registration System
EDTM Economic Development, Trade and Marketing
FMD Foot-and-Mouth-Disease
FNT National Treasury
FPSU Farmers Production Support units
FS Free State Province
GMO Genetically Modified Organisms
GP Gauteng Province
HA Hectares
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
KYD Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo
LDARD Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development LDS Land Development Support
LP Limpopo Province
MP Mpumalanga Province
MPSA Minister of Public Service and Administration
MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework
NARYSEC National Rural Youth Service Corps
NC Northern Cape Province
NDMC National Disaster Management Centre
NLAACC National Land Acquisition and Allocation Control Committee
NO National Office
NSAA National Spatial Action Areas
NSDF National Spatial Development Framework
NW North West Province
OCSLA Office of the Chief State Law Advisor
ODG Office of the Director-General
OP Operational Plan
PAA Protected Agricultural Areas
PE Public Entities
PESI Presidential Employment Stimulus Initiative
PLAS Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy
PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge
POE Portfolio of Evidence
PPR Peste des Petits Ruminants
PSETA Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority
Q1 Quarter 1
Q2 Quarter 2
Q3 Quarter 3
Q4 Quarter 4
QCC Quality Control Committee
REID Rural Enterprise and Industries Development
RID Rural Infrastructure Development
SADC Southern African Development Community