DALRRD has positively diagnosed the challenges, their origins and has been implementing multi-pronged innovative intervention programmes to respond to massive and complex developmental challenges with the intention to alter the status quo. The private sector, investors and civil society have also been investing their resources to turn the situation around. The following are amongst the envisaged intervention strategies to bolster rural development: • Creation of agro-processing, manufacturing industries and construction for domestic and global markets. The abundance of maize, tomatoes, citrus fruit, vegetables, and live-stock products in the rural areas can support sustainability. • Implementation of the District Development Model to ensure equitable development • Creating access to markets for small-holder and established farmers to service off-take agreements and create employment in the process • Decentralization of Industrial Development Zones (IDZ) and Special Economic Zones (SEZ) with high potential for labour-intensive programmes which could counter the declining mining sector • The already mushrooming retail centres nationally, there are168 thus far, in townships and rural areas generating about R34 Billion worth of business sales per year, creating employment in the secondary sector and arresting the trend of urban migration.
This ambitious plan which is already being implemented and yielding positive results have potential blind spots already flashing warning lights require attention to ensure sustained rural development for all. The threat of climate change and water scarcity would require investment in new technologies for adaptation and economic resilience. Furthermore, the commercialization of the retail sectors in the form of malls will require the integration of previous owner-business shops, centres and spazas to ensure nobody lags behind and the need to manage relationships between democracy and traditional authority to unlock the potential of massive rural land under the custodianship of traditional leaders for optimal use and citizens’ participation.
The remains of infrastructure in the form of rural general dealer shops has already been invaded and taken by foreigners in all traditional authorities. They targeted that infrastructure and those licenses. They support them through their own depots – depots for building material and are getting into housing. The danger is now encroaching agriculture by leasing